About Us

Established in 2004, Certified Radon Services is committed to being educated and certified by the industry’s foremost governing body of radon mitigation and testing, which is the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP). Being certified by this organization ensures that we adhere to the strictest guidelines and the newest and most updated procedures in the radon industry. We are a very small company, where the owner does the work which ensures you of the highest quality standard of care. We treat every house like it was our own, with the same quality of workmanship and detail.
Owner, Rick Shaver, is a certified radon measurement professional (NRPP Certification #104379-RMP), as well as a certified radon mitigation specialist (NRPP Certification #104380-RMS). Rick also has his Multifamily Measurement certification, which is in addition to his primary certification and covers specialized standards and protocols for properly testing multifamily buildings based on the AARST-ANSI protocol for measurement in multifamily buildings. Rick is also a member and an Advanced Measurement Professional of AARST (American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists).
Radon is an odorless, tasteless, colorless, invisible radioactive gas, and a Class A carcinogen that is typically found in soil, bedrock and water. It is created from the breakdown of uranium in the Earth. Although it’s naturally occurring, it can contribute to health problems like lung cancer. Radon gas is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer, smoking being the leading cause of lung cancer. Radon gas is everywhere all over the world. Every home has radon gas in it, it’s just a matter of how much. Professional radon testing is the only way to determine if you’re dealing with unsafe radon levels. Radon lives in pockets. One house may low, but the house right next door could be way high. Some of the effects of radon exposure are lung cancer, emphysema, and hardening/damaged lung tissue.
Certified Radon Services offers radon testing to Billings, MT-area property owners. During your radon test, we’ll use state-of-the-art equipment to measure the radon levels in your home or office building.
Call (406) 671-5151 today to schedule radon testing services.